Head to Heart
Head to Heart is a program that advocates for mental wellness through Black-owned barbershops and salons.
By training and educating barbers and stylists on mental health, their shop serves as a wellbeing hub where they can connect clients to mental health resources.
Meet our second Head to Heart cohort participants:
In July 2023, this group took Adult Mental Health First Aid. Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. Then, in August, a local mental health provider conducted an applied practice session where they continued learning about supporting clients’ mental health and caring for themselves.
Check out our second cohort evaluation:
Head to Heart Cohort Two Evaluation
Meet the first four participants of Head to Heart, who were trained in fall/winter 2022.
Check out our evaluation on the first cohort, which was used to improve the experience as we planned for the next cohort:
Head to Heart Cohort One Evaluation