In 2018, the Regional Health Council (RHC) was formed to include the Douglas, Sarpy/Cass, and Pottawattamie health departments, with support from the Metro Area Planning Agency (MAPA) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health, to be convened by The Wellbeing Partners (TWP).
Today, the RHC leadership, compromised of the Omaha metro health departments, health systems, and TWP, gathers monthly.
The Regional Health Council functions by listening to community members, businesses, organizations, schools, faith communities, and elected officials to understand the most pressing health needs and to activate a strategic and regional response across Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie counties in Nebraska and Iowa. The RHC’s current priority is mental health.
Long-Range Goals:
- Increase quality of life for the region
- Bolster resilience across the region
- Increase resident engagement and proliferation of participation
The 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHA) is a vital initiative aimed at understanding and addressing the most pressing health challenges in our community. Through comprehensive data collection and collaboration with local partners, we identify key priorities to improve health outcomes and enhance well-being for everyone. This assessment guides our strategies and programs, ensuring we focus on what matters most to you. Together, we can build a healthier, stronger community.
See the collaborative 2023-2025 Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan, led by RHC, here. The plan is based on data collected in the 2021 Community Health Assessment, which can be viewed here.
For more information on our upcoming events visit the events page.