Mental Health Support Remains a Commitment for Metro Region

Over 3,500 community members and organizations were involved in the first-ever Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) process to prioritize mental health, released last April. That CHIP report, which can be accessed here, outlined a commitment to improve mental health across the region using these shared strategies:
- Reduce stigma of mental health and substance use disorders
- Increase connections to mental health and preventive resources
- Connect people to increased social supports
- Reduce trauma
On March 22, we published the March 2022 Update of the Metro Region CHIP to share new information and progress made toward these priorities, as new data became available via the 2021 Community Health Assessment (CHA) and upon formal evaluation of the Region’s Mental Health Stigma Reduction Campaign.

“From the 2021 CHA data, we learned that in zip codes where community members reported severe anxiety/depression, they were also struggling to meet basic needs such as access to food, safe housing, and financial security. Our collective support for mental health remains a high need” says Sheena Helgenberger, Director of Community, Innovation, and Advocacy with The Wellbeing Partners.
Highlights from the evaluation of the Region’s Mental Health Stigma Reduction Campaign include:
- The campaigns (WhatMakesUs and Spokesimals Midwest) received 412 testimonials and pet submissions within the first 10 months
- The campaign achieved a 10.3% reduction in stigmatizing attitudes across the four-county region

We invite you to:
- Check out the March 2022 Update of the Metro Region CHIP
- Support year two of the WhatMakesUs campaign
- WhatMakesUs gathers and shares testimonials of people living with mental health conditions and their allies to reduce stigma.
- Read, submit, and share stories about why mental health is important at
To join in this collective work, please contact